Full transcript available here.
Some of Paul’s picks:
I have finally made the jump from Eagle to KiCad. After 20 years of Eagle. A video series that really helped me was PlumPot’s video playlist on Youtube.
André Costa is the creator of rpilocator and the Pico W Air - Wireless Air Quality Monitor.
Freya is a game dev who codes tools and shaders for Unity but also creates these highly instructive and very beautiful videos about algorithms that are useful in game design but also in generative art and embedded computers.
“Lerp smoothing in broken” – Lerp (“linear interpolation”) is used to smooth movement of an on-screen element It’s similar to a common sensor filtering technique called “exponential smoothing” and both suffer from similar issues when the “frame rate” or “sample rate” change.
“The Beauty of Bézier Curves” – Bezier curves always kinda mystified me, this video shows how they work.
“Why can’t you multiply vectors?” – In the microcontroller space, if you use attitude sensors (gyros/accelerometers) or are making a little game (like my circuitpython-staroids, you’ll need to know how to manipulate vectors. This video breaks down how vectors work, shows how to modify and combine them to get what you want.