Episode 2: M is for Makers, Music, and Machine Learning

M is for Makers, Music, and Machine Learning


Welcome to The Bootloader, a bi-weekly podcast bringing you news, project updates, and product talk from the tech and maker scenes. Paul and Tod will bring you three interesting things and chat about them for a few minutes each.

Full transcript available here.

Show Notes

Episode Intro

Paul - thank you and FullControl follow-up

PixelBlaze expression language (Tod #1) 1:45

Whisper OpenAI (Paul #1) 5:50

Music generation in the browser (Tod #2) 11:03

PolyKeyboard (Paul #2) 16:41

Samplebrain by Aphex Twin & Dave Griffiths (Tod #3) 21:27

Kevin McAleer and the Pikon (Paul #3) 23:48

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