The Bootloader is a monthly podcast loading you up with news, project updates, and product talk from the CircuitPython and maker communities.
About Paul Cutler
Paul is an avid vinyl record collector and when he’s not listening to records, you can find him
starting projects he’ll never finish.
Paul hosts The CircuitPython Show,
which features interviews with CircuitPython developers and community members. Find it in your favorite podcast app.
You can learn more about Paul at his homepage
where he has been blogging about nothing for over twenty years.
About Tod Kurt
Tod Kurt is co-founder of ThingM, a ubiquitous computing / Internet of Things device studio based in Pasadena and San Francisco. He is creator of the popular blink(1) USB notification light and BlinkM, the Smart LED prototyping device. Tod is a contributor to MAKE magazine, the author of the book “Hacking Roomba”, an active member in the Arduino community, and co-founder of the Los Angeles hackerspace Crash Space. His past work includes being the original systems architect of, the first public pay-per-click search engine, and a researcher in Yahoo Research Lab. Before that, Tod was a hardware, software, and firmware engineer working on robotic camera systems for probes that went to Mars.
Microcontroller boards background picture courtesy Les Pounder. Theme song is Tall Bird by Bartlebeats licensed under a Creative Commons BY-SA 3.0 license. This site is powered by Hugo and the Docsy theme.